Diet Plan Chart for Weight Loss

Diet Chart For Healthy Weight Loss

Most of us have read the bestseller The Secret, which says that the more we focus on something we don't want, the more of that unwanted thing we get. Frustrating! Especially when it comes to our attempts at weight loss, trying this, that or the other weight loss diet. Some women are perennially on a diet because apparently, their ideal weight is forever out of their reach. Nothing supernatural about this. It stands to reason that the more we think I can't have that cake, the more our mind focuses on that cake, rather than the healthy alternatives on our diet chart. The craving increases unless we binge...and then we feel guilty.

Easy tips to design a diet chart for healthy weight loss:

1. Weight Loss Tip - To Diet or Not to Diet?
2. Weight Loss Tip - The Indian Balanced Diet Plan
3. The Indian Balanced Diet Plan for Weight Loss
4. Sample Diet Chart For Weight Loss
5. FAQs on diet for Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tip 1 - To Diet or Not to Diet?

A diet plan reminds us that we're on a diet; that brings with it feelings of deprivation. Better to call it a healthy eating chart or a balanced weight loss diet. A healthy eating pattern that you can sustain, without constantly fearing food and obsessing over calorie count, is the only thing that can bring about permanent weight loss for women, who tend to have more body fat than men for biological reasons.

Weight Loss Tip 2 - The Indian Balanced Diet Plan

What to include in the balanced diet chart a.k.a. healthy eating chart? It doesn't have to be sprouts and salads only, though those are certainly good for you. The renowned nutrition and wellness expert Rujuta Diwekar told her audience once that the food a person grew up with was the food to which the body would respond to the best. Therefore, for Indian women, what works best for permanent weight loss is an Indian balanced diet plan.

1. Make small tweaks

Cut down on the packaged and processed foods; they're usually loaded with sodium, which may lead to bloating and a higher risk of heart problems. Whenever possible, eat fresh produce, as we always did in India, and make your juices by throwing diced fruits and veggies into the blender. Eliminate the white (rice, sugar, bread) and go for brown. Pick wholewheat atta over refined flour.

2. Eat seasonal fruits

Eat seasonal fruits from the local market instead of exotic imports found out of season. Seasonal fruits usually are rich in the compounds that the body needs for that time of the year, e.g. guava and orange, rich in Vitamin C, come to the market in winter, just when you need that vitamin to guard against the common cold.

3. Stir-fry instead of deep-fry

The occasional samosa won't bust your weight loss plan, but on a daily basis, stir-frying is a far better idea than deep-frying, as you can keep the calorie count low without sacrificing taste.

4. To increase the basal metabolic rate

Eat several small meals a day. This gives the body repeated assurance that more food is coming -it stops hoarding calories and happily burns fat. A small meal isn't a bag of crisps and vending machine coffee; its a fruit, or a small portion of trail mix (dry fruits and unsalted nuts), or a small bowl of daal with a roti, or a bowl of oats.

5. Do some lightweight training

This builds muscle tone, giving the body a more sculpted look, and increases the basal metabolic rate. A daily workout with light weights - make it a low-intensity workout, if you cant do more - prompts the body to go on burning calories long after you've stopped exercising. Even 5-10 minutes a day is a lot better than nothing. It doesn't take much to re-orient your lifestyle and achieve permanent weight loss. Think of it as perfect weight, made in India.

The Indian Balanced Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Indian Balanced Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Sample Diet Chart For Weight Loss

7am: Lemon juice in warm water; a tiny piece of raw ginger (to be chewed).
8am: Breakfast made fresh with high-fibre cereals like oats and bajra, topped by a spoonful of ground flax seed; a glass of milk or a bowl of curd; one fruit, e.g. diced papaya.
10.30am: About half a dozen almonds and some walnuts.
1pm: A bowl of salad with olive oil drizzled on it; a small bowl of brown rice with stir-fried vegetables; one roti with daal.
3pm: A glass of chaas and a banana.
5pm: A cup of green tea, and two multigrain biscuits.
7pm: A small bowl of sprouts, or a very small helping of dry fruits.
8pm: A bowl of daal, a few cubes of cottage cheese, two rotis, sauteed vegetables.
10pm: A small glass of warm milk. N.B. This diet chart for weight loss is for illustrative purposes only.

FAQs on diet for Weight Loss

Q: What is a 1,200-calorie diet?

A: A 1,200-calorie diet is a specially tailored diet chart to help you reduce weight. The idea behind the diet is to consume calories in a restricted manner and to monitor the calorie intake on a daily basis. It starts with a protein-rich breakfast with the aim of consuming 200 to 350 calories. The breakfast should be rich in protein and fibre. Dairy products and fruits are the ideal way to go. Lunch should be healthy with vegetables, whole grains and proteins, with the aim of consuming 300 to 350 calories at lunch. The whole dinner meal should constitute 400 to 500 calories, and to fill the rest of your calorie intake, consume snacks through the day which should be between 50 - 100 calorie intake bracket.

Q: How does one lose weight with green tea?

A: Green tea is known to be effective in helping people losing weight. The mild caffeine in green tea works as a stimulant in burning fat. It is also rich in antioxidants that help boost metabolism and immunity. The best way to go about it is to have at least 4 to 5 cups a day, besides the weight loss benefits, it also keeps you refreshed and energetic through the day.

Q: Why my diet isn't working?

A: While you may think you are on track with your diet, there are things that you are doing wrong which is not helping you lose those kilos. To start with, skipping meals and not eating enough doesn't help at all. It is important to get your calorie intake in order and make sure you follow a protein-rich diet chart. Going carb-free or fat-free isn't the ideal way and is not advisable as it leaves you short on nutrients that you need to stay energised. Make sure to consume enough calories every day, and focus on having a healthy breakfast. Swap your diet cola with green tea and you can start seeing the results.

Q: How does one lose weight with green tea?

A: Green tea is known to be effective in helping people losing weight. The mild caffeine in green tea works as a stimulant in burning fat. It is also rich in antioxidants that help boost metabolism and immunity. The best way to go about it is to have at least 4 to 5 cups a day, besides the weight loss benefits, it also keeps you refreshed and energetic through the day.

Q: What type of exercise should you do while on the weight loss diet?

A: If you are into extensive workout sessions at the gym, continue with them. Focus on doing more cardio and aerobic exercises. It is not necessary to sign for a gym membership and be rigorous with the fitness routine, but basic exercises like running, skipping, playing a sport are an effective while on your weight loss diet. It is important to maintain a balance in your diet and the exercise routine.

You can also read on the perfect balanced diet chart to be healthy.

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Diet Plan Chart for Weight Loss


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